All data and information available at Petfood Specialities website are given for information purposes only and have no legal consequences, unless explicitly and unambiguously specified. The viewing and use of Petfood Specialities website must be in compliance with the limitations and conditions indicated here.

Information on Petfood Specialities’s companies, its products and services available at the website is not binding and does not represent a formal offer of products and services.

If a product or a service is presented at the website, this does not necessarily mean that Petfood Specialities in fact sells and/or markets such product or service in the area in which the website visitor is interested. A visitor of the website must make an inquiry with Petfood Specialities and/or its companies or local representative offices to find out if a product in which they are interested is in fact marketed or sold by Petfood Specialities in a certain area.

Petfood Specialities will take care that the information provided at this website is accurate and up-to-date, but will take no responsibility for its accuracy and integrity. The users use the published contents at their own responsibility. In no case whatsoever shall Petfood Specialities be held liable for any damages that might arise or be related to the existence, access, use and/or inability to use this website and/or information provided here or for any errors or deficiencies in the contents.

Petfood Specialities also reserves the right to change the contents of the website at any time, in any manner, without prior notice and regardless of the reason, and shall not assume responsibility for any consequences whatsoever, resulting from such changes.

Information published at Petfood Specialities website shall be subject to copyright or another form of protection of intellectual property.

Petfood Specialities warrants for the protection of personal data used for registering the submitted e-forms through our website and for keeping records of certain website contents accessed by the visitors. Such information is only used for the purpose of establishing contact with a visitor, should we decide to do so. Personal data and contact information shall not be used for any other purposes nor disclosed to any third persons.

